Have you already taken the step towards a sustainable promotional and merchandising assortment?
The CO₂-Checker from Pandinavia will screen your assortment. With the CO₂ Checker, we have developed a valuable tool that uses analysis to determine your current CO₂ footprint.
IIn the subsequent steps, concrete measures can be derived and alternative promotional products with lower CO₂ emissions can be determined.
Non-binding consultation
Do you have any questions?
Your advantages
Our analysis shows in figures how high CO₂ emissions are or how much they can be reduced.
Using concrete measures derived from our expertise, we put together a sustainable range of promotional products with lower CO₂ emissions.
Reduction of CO₂ footprint
With the CO₂ checker, you can make a concrete contribution to reducing CO₂ emissions. Either through compensation or more environmentally conscious products.
By using the CO₂ checker, you underline your commitment to sustainability to employees and customers and make a concrete contribution to improving the company’s CO₂ balance.
Customer example of CO₂ savings across the entire product range
Pandinavia analyzed the entire promotional product range for a Swiss medical technology company. This resulted in concrete recommendations for action to optimize the range in terms of CO₂ emissions.
Pandinavia’s CO₂ checker clearly showed which products have a high impact on the climate and how the product range can be improved through targeted purchasing of more environmentally conscious promotional products.
The CO₂ check gave the company the opportunity to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions from the promotional product range by 32%.